Course and Unit Exemptions for Undergraduate Students
1. For Undergraduate Students with Post-Secondary Qualifications
Types of Qualifications
Qualifications*, either gained at other post-secondary institutions or at another programme of studies previously undertaken at CUHK(SZ), or equivalent, and may include:
(a) Courses taken in a previous first degree programme, full-time or part-time, in the PRC or elsewhere, irrespective whether that programme was actually completed or not;
(b) Course taken by CUHK(SZ) students on approved exchange programmes;
(c) Passes in papers of professional bodies.
In listing all these qualifications, it is not suggested that they shall necessarily be recognized, as the decision in each case will rest with the recommendation of the relevant School Dean. Students should consult the School concerned on the possibility of granting course and unit exemptions before making applications.
*Qualifications obtained from entrance examinations for admission to university/tertiary education are not considered as post-secondary qualification, e.g. International Baccalaureate (IB), General Certificate of Education (GCE), Advanced Level Examinations (ALE) etc.
General Principles
(a) Recognition should be dealt with in terms of equivalence to particular courses at CUHK(SZ) without direct reference to the Programmes of Studies. The general principle is that a course taken elsewhere will be recognized as equivalent to a CUHK(SZ) course if it is comparable in scope and standard, and provides the student with sufficient knowledge to pursue higher level courses at CUHK(SZ) for which the exempted course is a prerequisite.
(b) Recommendations should be made by the Dean of the School responsible for the particular course, subject to general guidelines. In cases where no comparable courses are offered at CUHK(SZ), the decision will rest with the Dean of the School in the student’s major subject, or the Vice-President (Academic) if the major subject straddles more than one School.
(c) In making its evaluation, the School concerned should take into account the status of the institution where the qualification was gained, the number of hours and the normal level of the course in that institution (e.g. normally taken by second year students), the grade achieved, how long ago the course was taken, and may even conduct a test if necessary.
(d) When equivalence to a particular CUHK(SZ) course is recognized, the student will be treated as if s/he had taken that course, in effect gaining both course and unit (note 2) exemption (the number of units exempted being that of the equivalent CUHK(SZ) course). Student cannot then take the exempted course.
(e) Courses exempted through recognition of such equivalence will not count in GPA calculations.
(f) Students should observe the university regulations on minimum unit and attendance requirements, period of study, course requirements and exemptions and other related regulations.
2. Required Documents
It’s required to provide supporting documents, including copy of transcript and/or certificate, course outline/ description/ timetable and other supporting materials (if any). Original copies may be required for School office inspection, if necessary.Application will NOT be processed if the required documents are not submitted/received.
3. Application Procedures
Undergraduate students should submit applications for course & unit exemptions by filling in the online form in Student Information System (SIS) and uploading the softcopy of supporting documents. Students can track their application status at any time in SIS.
How to fill in the online Course & Unit Exemptions application form in SIS
Useful Links:
School Guideline on Credit Transfer